Belt Advancement Test
Our Belt Advancement Test is not only for students to change their belt color but most importantly, provide students consistently goals for them to reach by overcoming hardships.
In this learning process, students will build the higher level of confidence, cooperation, concentration, and discipline.
Belt Testing Forms
Congratulations on reaching your goals to advance to your next belt level. Due to the growth of our Martial Arts Academy, and to better serve our students. We would like you to read the following! All testing students must turn in ALL TESTING FORMS a week prior to your testing day. In order to ensure that students are tested on everything, it is IMPERATIVE that testing forms are completely filled out and submitted a week before the testing day.
Here the BAT form for all testing students! Please fill this out, and email it back to us via email at
Name of Student:
Name of Guardian:
Testing Date / Time:
Present Belt Color or # of Star:
Requested Belt Color or # of Star:
Please list area(s) that student has improved on since starting our program:
Please list area(s) that student needs to improve on:
Service 5 Hour Requirement (house chores or more, not required specific hours worked) Including the following: Description – Hours – Inspected By – Subtotal Hours
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this. Please be sure to complete this and email it back to us ASAP. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Beginner Level Test $70 (for present White, Yellow, and Orange belt)
Intermediate Level Test $75 (for present Green, Blue, Purple, and Brown belt)
Advanced Level Test $80 (for present High Brown, Red, and High Red belt)
Black Belt Star Test $85 (for 1st~3rd degree black belt)
You can pay via Zelle at
and also Payment may be made by cash, check or credit card (the testing fee plus 3% service fee) – no tax
If paying by check, make check payable to “LeeHan”
There are numerous martial arts programs, clubs, studios, schools, and academies where they are not licensed and certified.
If you have any questions about your belt testing and requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you succeed!

Breaking Board
If you are looking for more practice at home. You can get some breaking boards at LeeHan.
PRICE (shipping prices vary):
Thin Board - $5 each
Thick Board - $8 each